subtract 101010(2) and 4(6) = 100110 Column

Calculator of numbers in various number systems.

Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing numbers in a column. Moreover, numbers can be entered in different number systems.

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Enter two numbers and specify their base of the number system:

You entered numbers in different number systems. However, only numbers in the same number systems can participate in the calculation. We will translate the second number 46 in 2 - Richard number system like this:

let\'s translate to decimal like this:

4∙60 = 4∙1 = 4 = 410

got It: 46 =410

Translate the number 410 в binary like this:

the Integer part of the number is divided by the base of the new number system:

Перевод чисел из одной системы счисления в другую

the result of the conversion was:

410 = 1002
the Final answer: 46 = 1002
the Final answer: 1010102 - 46 = 1001102
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